Title:Tirar es como tejer : Género, entrenamiento y aprendizaje en el uso de armas de policías de la provincia de Buenos Aires / Shooting is like knitting. Gender, training and learning in the use of weapons by police of the province of Buenos Aires
Title:"El hecho de que sean más mujeres, no garantiza nada": feminización y experiencias de las mujeres en la ginecobstetricia en México / "The fact that there are more women doesn't guarantee anything": the feminization of obstetrics and gynecology and the experiences of female medical professionals in Mexico
Title:Carreras laborales de varones y mujeres en la industria del calzado y del petróleo en el contexto de reestructuración empresarial argentino: análisis desde una perspectiva de género / Women and men’s labour careers in the shoe and oil industry within a context of an Argentinian business restructuration: an analysis from a gender perspective
Title:Adult attachment, love styles, relationship experiences and subjective well-being: cross-cultural and gender comparison between Americans, Portuguese, and Mozambicans
Title:A contextual approach on sex-related biases in pain judgments: The moderator effects of medical evidence and patients' distress cues on nurses' judgments of chronic low-back pain.
Title:A utilização transversal da perspectiva de gênero nos projetos Financiados pelo Instituto Português de Apoio ao Desenvolvimento: Uma questão pendente / The mainstreaming of gender perspective in projects financed by the Portuguese Institute for Development Support: An outstanding issue