Title:Sociedad civil transnacional y relaciones internacionales : Una introducción a su análisis / Transnational civil society and international relations: an introduction to its analysis
Title:La educación estatal en Argentina durante el peronismo : El caso de la provincia de Buenos Aires (1946-1955) / State education in Argentina during the Peronism. The case of the province of Buenos Aires (1946-1955)
Title:¿Escuela socialista o escuela reformista? : Una lectura de la educación socialista en México a partir de su lugar dentro del gobierno cardenista y la Revolución Mexicana / School or Reformist Socialist School? A reading of Socialist Education in Mexico from its place within government Cardenas and the Mexican Revolution
Title:Search for charged Higgs bosons through the violation of lepton universality in t ̄t events using pp collision data at √s = 7 TeV with the ATLAS experiment