Title:La experiencia de "tocar fondo" en alcohólicos recuperados: Una aproximación fenomenológica / The Experience of "Hitting Rock Bottom" Among Recovering Alcoholics: A Phenomenological Approach
Title:Comportamento da carga de treinamento, recuperação e bem-estar em atletas
profissionais de voleibol em semanas com e sem jogos / Behavior of the training load, recovery and well-being in volleyball professional athletes in weeks with and without matches
Title:Promoción ambiental para la disminución de riesgos ambientales de la ciénaga de Concordia Magdalena / Environmental promotion for the reduction of environmental risks in the Concordia Magdalena swamp
Title:Acciones pedagógicas y su incidencia en el manejo de los recursos sólidos a través de la IEP / Pedagogical actions and their incidence in the management of solid resources
Title:Is the Extractive Industry Transparency Initiative (EITI) sufficient to generate transparency in environmental impact and legacy risks? The Zambian minerals sector