Title:A new monorchiid cercaria (Digenea) parasitising the purple clam Amiantis purpurata (Bivalvia: Veneridae) in the Southwest Atlantic Ocean, with notes on its gonadal effect
Title:Helminth parasites of four species of strigiform birds from Central and
Northeastern Argentina / Helmintos parásitos de cuatro especies de aves Strigiformes del Centro y Noreste de la Argentina
Title:New records of Lubens lubens (Braun, 1901) and Pojmanskia riosae Zamparo, Brooks & Causey, 2003 (Digenea) in Taraba major (Vieillot) (Aves: Thamnophilidae) from Argentina
Title:Digenean parasites of the great antshrike, Taraba major (Aves: Thamnophilidae), from Argentina, with a description of a new species of the genus Strigea (Strigeidae)
Title:A new species of Petasiger (Digenea, Echinostomatidae) parasitizing Podiceps major and Rollandia rolland (Aves, Podicipedidae) from Buenos Aires Province, Argentina