Title:The Comprehensive Rural Reform, the ending of the armed conflict and the agrarian problem in Colombia / La Reforma Rural Integral, la terminación del conflicto armado y el problema agrario en Colombia
Title:Agricultural strikes and negotiations between the Colombian government and the Farmers’ and People’s Ethnic and Agricultural Summit (CACEP, from its Spanish acronym) (2013-2015) / Paros agrarios y negociación entre el gobierno colombiano y la Cumbre Agraria Étnica Campesina y Popular (CACEP) / Greves agrárias e negociação entre o governo colombiano e a Cimeira Agrária, Camponesa, Étnica e Popular (CACEP
Title:Indígenas, tierra y política en Colombia : Las comunidades indígenas del Bolívar Grande en la segunda mitad del siglo XIX / Indigenous, land and politics in Colombia. The indigenous communities of Bolivar Grande in the second half of the nineteenth century
Title:La institucionalidad rural en Colombia: reflexiones para su análisis y fortalecimiento / The Rural Institutions in Colombia: Reflections for Analysis and Strengthening