Title:Hallazgo de restos de la serpiente Dinilysia patagonica Smith-Woodward 1901 en una nueva localidad del Santoniano de Patagonia, Argentina / Record of remains of the snake Dinilysia patagonica Smith-Woodward 1901 in a new locality of the Santonian of Patagonia, Argentina
Title:Estratigrafía y análisis tafonómico de Bonitasaura salgadoi Apesteguía, en el sitio «La Bonita» (Cretácico superior, Rio Negro, Argentina) / Stratigraphic and taphonomic analysis of Bonitasaura salgadoi Apesteguía (Sauropoda, Titanosauria) at «La Bonita» site (Upper Cretaceous, Río Negro Province, Argentina)
Title:Sedimentology of the shallow marine deposits of the Calafate Formation during the Maastrichtian transgression at Lago Argentino, Austral-Magallanes basin, Argentina
Title:Late Mesozoic marine Antarctic fishes: future perspectives based on the newly collections recovered in the Ameghino and Lopez de Bertodano Formations