Title:Investigaciones de la última década acerca del componente pragmático en los trastornos afásicos. / Investigations of the last decade about the pragmatic component in aphasic disorders.
Title:Are we all understanding the same thing when we say TLC?: Making sense of a transdisciplinary learning community approach for vulnerable contexts in Bolivia
Title:Are we all understanding the same thing when we say TLC?: Making sense of a transdisciplinary learning community approach for vulnerable contexts in Bolivia
Title:Géneros profesionales en la formación disciplinar: el caso de la licenciatura en Comunicación / Professional genres in disciplinary training: the case of the Bachelor of Communication Degree
Title:Importancia de la comunicación en el establecimiento y satisfacción con el tratamiento en fisioterapia = Importance of communication in the establishment and satisfaction with physiotherapy treatment / Óscar Rodríguez Nogueira ... et al. / Importance of communication in the establishment and satisfaction with physiotherapy treatment
Title:Propuesta formativa de posgrado: la Maestría de Comunicación y Educación de la Facultad de Periodismo y Comunicación Social de la Universidad Nacional de La
Plata (Argentina) / Postgraduate Training Proposal: the Master of Communication And Education of the Faculty Of Journalism And Social Communication of The National University of La Plata (Argentina)