Title:Os quatro pilares educacionais no processo de ensino e aprendizagem de matemática / The Four Educational Pillars in the Teaching and Learning Process of Mathematics
Title:Análise de software para o ensino de evolução através de critérios pedagógicos e
computacionais / Software analysis for evolution teaching through pedagogical and computational criteria
Title:Carga cognitiva y aprendizaje con TIC: estudio empírico en estudiantes de química y física de secundaria / Cognitive load and Learning with ICT: an empirical study on Chemistry and Physics students from high school
Title:Una propuesta de aprendizaje de “la estructura de la materia” desde la perspectiva ciencia, tecnología, sociedad y ambiente (CTSA) / A PROPOAL TO STUDY “THE STRUCTURE OF MATTER” BASED ON THE PERSPECTIVE OF SCIENCE-TECHNOLOGY-SOCIETY-ENVIRONMENT (STSE)
Title:A nanotecnologia na concepção de estudantes do ensino médio: o desenho como elemento de análise / THE NANOTECHNOLOGY IN CONCEPTIONS OF HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS: DRAWING AS ANALYSIS ELEMENT
Title:Uso de las herramientas tecnológicas para la enseñanza de la lengua extranjera / Use of technological tools for the teaching of the foreign language