Title:Evaluation of antitumour and antiinflammatory effects and acute toxicity of extracts obtained from Streptomyces spp. isolated from m Soils of Paraiba (Brazil)
Title:Relación entre biomasa aérea, área foliar y tipos de suelos en plantaciones de Eucalyptus grandis del NE de Entre Ríos, Argentina / Relationship among aboveground biomass, leaf area and soil types in Eucalyptus grandis plantations from NE Entre Ríos, Argentina
Title:Verificación Del Criterio Del Ensayo De Equivalente De Arena En Mezclas De Concreto / Verification of the criterion of sand equivalent test concrete mixtures
Title:Structural changes of Cr-beidellite treated up to 1350 °C in oxygen or nitrogen atmospheres / Alterações estruturais de Cr-beidelita tratada até 1350 °C em atmosferas de oxigênio ou nitrogênio