Title:Annelida (Oligochaeta and Aphanoneura) from the natural reserve of isla martín garcía (upper Río de la plata estuary, Argentina): biodiversity and response to environmental variables / Annelida (Oligochaeta e Aphanoneura) da reserva natural de usos múltiplos ilha martín garcía, Río de la plata: Biodiversidade e reposta às variáveis ambientais
Title:Contribution to the knowledge of pathogenic fungi of spiders in Argentina: southernmost record in the world / Aporte al conocimiento de los hongos patógenos de arañas en Argentina: el registro más austral del mundo
Title:Astyanax tumbayaensis, a new species from northwestern Argentina highlands (Characiformes: Characidae) with a key to the Argentinean species of the genus and comments on their distribution