Title:Phenotypic differentiation of ecologically-significant Brachidontes species co-occurring in intertidal mussel beds from the southwestern Atlantic
Title:Evidence for early Pliocene and late Miocene transgressions in southern Patagonia (Argentina): 87Sr/86Sr ages of the pectinid "Chlamys" actinodes (Sowerby)
Title:Variabilidad en la utilización de pigmentos en entierros humanos del Holoceno tardío en la cuenca superior del río Santa Cruz (Patagonia Argentina) / Variability in the use of pigments in lateHolocene burials in the upper Santa Cruz river basin (Argentine Patagonia)
Title:El trabajo del cuero entre los cazadores-recolectores de la Patagonia centro-septentrional : Campo Moncada 2 (Valle Medio del Río Chubut) / Leather working among hunter gatherers from central-northern patagonia. Campo Moncada 2 (Middle Chubut River Valley)