Title:Las emociones: una breve historia en su marco filosófico y cultural en la Antigüedad / The emotions: a brief history in its philosophical and cultural framework in Antiquity
Title:Entrevista a Claudia Beltrão da Rosa (UNIRIO, Brasil): “Creo que la docencia de nivel superior y la investigación científica son indisociables” / Interview with Claudia Beltrão da Rosa (UNIRIO, Brazil): “I think that university teaching and scientific research are inseparable”
Title:Archéologie des littoraux du Sud de la Gaule : Le littoral de Provence des Alpes Maritimes au Rhone / Archaeology of the Southern Gaul coastline from the Alpae Maritimae Province to the Rhone
Title:Recherches sur les littoraux de Gaule du Sud : II - Les littoraux de Gaule du Sud a l’ouest du Rhône / Research on the coasts of Southern Gaul II – The coasts of Southern Gaul west of the Rhône