Title:Migración temporal vs. permanente: análisis de la migración de colombianos a Brasil, 2007-2015 / Temporary vs. permanent migration: analysis of the migration of Colombians to Brazil, 2007-2015
Title:Temporary vs. permanent migration: analysis of the migration of Colombians to Brazil, 2007-2015 / Migración temporal vs. permanente: análisis de la migración de colombianos a Brasil, 2007-2015
Title:Práticas de governança eletrônica (GE) nas universidades federais brasileiras: uma análise fundada nas novas diretrizes de governança da Administração Pública Federal
Title:Social dominance orientation, economic system justification and the belief in a just world as predictors of hostile attitudes towards poverty and the poor in Brazil
Title:¿Desarrollo para qué y para quién? La experiencia del mapa de conflictos relacionados con la injusticia ambiental y la salud en Brasil / Development for what and for whom? The Experience of the Map of Conflicts Related to Environmental Injustices and Health
Title:Autoria feminina nas reunioes anuais da Associaçao Nacional de Pós-Graduaçao e Pesquisa em Ciências Sociais (ANPOCS) / Female authorship at the annual meetings of the National Association of Graduate Studies and Research in Social Sciences (ANPOCS)