Title:Upcoming spring for reproductive rights and health in Tunisia and Egypt?: a comparative analysis of reproductive rights and health before and after the 2011 Arab Spring
Title:A propriedade do corpo: o lugar da diferença nos discursos de homens e mulheres acerca do aborto voluntário / Body ownership: the place of difference in the discours of men and women about voluntary abortion
Title:Desde un punto de vista filosófico: el problema de la interrupción voluntaria del embarazo en el aula / From a philosophical point of view: the problem of abortion at the classroom
Title:Una alternativa para vivir el embarazo felizmente y no como un problema : Entrevista a Juana Raimondi / An alternative to live the pregnancy happily and not as a problem. An Interview with Juana Raimondi
Title:Genotipos de Campylobacter jejuni y C. coli aislados de fetos porcinos abortados / Genotypical diversity of Campylobacter jejuni and C. coli isolated from aborted pig fetuses