Title:Viviendo treinta años con el enemigo: neumococos resistentes a los antibióticos en la Argentina / Living thirty years with the enemy: antimicrobial resistant pneumococci in Argentina / Vivendo trinta anos com o inimigo: pneumococos resistentes aos antibióticos na Argentina
Title:The role of Phyllocaulis variegatus (Mollusca: Veronicellidae) in the transmission of digenean parasites / El papel de Phyllocaulis variegatus (Mollusca: Veronicellidae) en la transmisión de parásitos digéneos
Title:Genetic structuring in a relictual population of screaming hairy armadillo (Chaetophractus vellerosus) in Argentina revealed by a set of novel microsatellite loci
Title:Intestinal antispasmodic effects of three Argentinian plants: Hypericum connatum, Berberis ruscifolia and Cecropia pachystachya: mechanisms of action and comparison with the effects of Brugmansia arborea
Title:Método para la cría en laboratorio de Chironomidae (Díptera) de ambientes lóticos / Laboratory Rearing Methodology for Chironomidae (Diptera) of Lotic Environments