Title:Massive inclusion of digital technologies in schools : Argentinian young adolescents' appropriation of computers and the Internet in popular and middle classes
Title:The macroeconomic limits of income's policy in a dependent country : The need and possibilities for radical reforms in social policies in Argentina after the crisis (2001-2008)
Title:The Use of the Past During the Last Military Dictatorship and Post-Dictatorship : The Holocaust as the Horizon of Identification, Alienation and Negotiation for the Jewish community
Title:Art beyond context: A sociological inquiry into the singularity of cultural creativity / A arte para lá do contexto: Uma abordagem sociológica da singularidade na criação cultural / L’art au-delà du contexte: Une enquête sociologique sur la singularité de la création culturelle / El arte mas allá del contexto: Una encuesta sociológica sobre la singularidade de la creación cultural