Title:Relações entre o regime hidrológico e os ecossistemas aquáticos da planície aluvial do rio Araguaia / Relationship between hydrology and aquatic ecosystems in the Araguaia river floodplain
Title:Controles hidrogeomorfológicos nas unidades vegetacionais da planície aluvial do rio Araguaia, Brasil / Hydro-geomorphologic controls in the vegetation of the Araguaia river floodplain, Brazil
Title:Modelo de variación regional en germoplasma de Bromus catharticus (Poaceae) en Argentina asociado con las condiciones ambientales / Regional variation in Argentinean populations of Bromus catharticus (Poaceae) as measured by morphological divergence associated with environmental conditions
Title:Estudios morfológicos y taxonómicos en blechnum (blechnaceae-pteridophyta): B. tabulare y B. magellanicum / Morphological and taxonomical studies in blechnum (blechnaceae- pteridophyta) B. tabulare and B. magellanicum