Title:Development and validation of an analytical method for the simultaneous determination of benzoylecgonine and ecgonine methyl ester in human urine by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry
Title:Analysis of the influence of five variables on an established immunoaffinity chromatography procedure to purify a picchia pastoris yeast derived-HBsAg for pharmaceutical use
Title:Cuantificación del fitoestrógeno naringenina en jugos de pomelo y naranja comercializados en Argentina / Quantification of naringenin phytoestrogens in grapefruit and orange juice commercialized in Argentina / Cuantificación del fitoestrógeno Naringenina en jugos de pomelo y naranja comercializados en Argentina
Title:Evaluación fitoquímica preliminar de cuatro especies endémicas cubanas de Zanthoxylum (Rutaceae) / Preliminary phytochemical screening of four Cuban endemic species of Zanthoxylum (Rutaceae)