Title:Reseña bibliográfica: Nadia R. Altschul (2012) Geographies of Philological Knowledge. Postcoloniality and the Transatlantic National Epic. Chicago & London: The University of Chicago Press. 248 páginas
Title:En un futuro muy cercano las Humanidades serán Humanidades Digitales o no serán nada : Entrevista a José Manuel Lucía Megías / In the very near future the Humanities will be Digital Humanities or they will be nothing
Title:Intercambio epistolar entre Ricardo Rojas y Ramón Menéndez Pidal: fragmentos para la construcción de una hispanidad post-imperial / Epistolary exchange between Ricardo Rojas and Ramón Menéndez Pidal: Fragments for the construction of a post-imperial Hispanism / Intercâmbio epistolar entre Ricardo Rojas e Ramón Menéndez Pidal: fragmentos para a construção de uma hispanidade pós-imperial