Title:Multifocal anaplastic astrocytoma in the lumbar-sacral spinal cord of a 7 year-old Blood Hound / Astrocitoma multifocal anaplásico en el segmento lumbosacro de la médula espinal en una perra Blood Hound de 7 años
Title:Participation of GABA-benzodiazepine receptor complex in the anxiolytic effect of Passiflora alata Curtis (Passifloraceae) / Participation of GABA-benzodiazepine Receptor Complex in the Anxiolytic Effect of Passiflora alata Curtis (Passifloraceae)
Title:Analysis of the influence of five variables on an established immunoaffinity chromatography procedure to purify a picchia pastoris yeast derived-HBsAg for pharmaceutical use