Title:MAKING A GALVANIC BATTERY OF VINEGAR AS AN ALTERNATIVE TO TEACH THE CONCEPT OF ELECTRICAL POTENTIAL / Construcción de una pila galvánica de vinagre como alternativa de enseñanza del concepto de potencial eléctrico
Title:Systematic study of inorganic functionalization of ZnO nanorods by Sol-Gel method / Estudio sistemático de la funcionalización inorgánica de nanorods de ZnO por el método Sol-Gel.
Title:STM-SEM combination study on the electrochemical growth mechanism and structure of gold overlayers: A quantitative approach to electrochemical metal surface roughening
Title:Inhibidor anticorrosivo eco-amigable para recubrimientos acuosos protectoras del acero: Ylex paraguariensis (yerba mate) / Eco-friendly anticorrosive inhibitor for water based coatings to protect steel: Ylex paraguariensis (yerba mate)
Title:The kinetics and mechanism of the nickel electrode—III. The potentiodynamic response of nickel electrodes in alkaline solutions in the potential region of Ni(OH)2 formation
Title:Potentiodynamic current/potential characteristics of theoretical mechanisms related to the electrochemical formation and electroreduction of monolayer films on inert electrodes
Title:The evaluation of surface diffusion coefficients of gold and platinum atoms at electrochemical interfaces from combined STM-SEM imaging and electrochemical techniques