Title:Desarrollo y microanatomía del ovario de Mustelus schmitti (Chondrichthyes, Triakidae) a través del ciclo reproductivo / The ovary of Mustelus schmitti (Chondrichthyes, Triakidae): microanatomy and development through the reproductive cycle
Title:Estudio preliminar de Calyptratae (Diptera) en la Reserva Natural Estricta Otamendi, Buenos Aires, Argentina / Preliminary study of Caliptratae (Diptera) in Otamendi Strict Nature Reserve, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Title:Microanatomía del ovario de Atlantoraja platana (Günther, 1880) (Chondrichthyes, Rajidae) / Microanatomy of the ovary of Atlantoraja platana (Günther, 1880) (Chondrichthyes, Rajidae)