Title:El caso del embargo y los bienes fuera del comercio en la enseñanza del derecho en Colombia. ¿Un caso de ceguera por atención? / The Case of “Embargo” and the goods out of commerce en the legal education in Colombia. ¿A case of perceptual blindness?
Title:Imagining education : educational policy and the labor earnings distribution / Educación imaginada : política educativa y desigualdad de ingresos laborales
Title:Ludic activities (songs) / Design of a didactic guide with interactive songs to develop the listenning skills in the students of tenth year of basic education at Unidad Educativa Oswaldo Guayasamin Plublic High School
Title:The influence of interactive song activities in listening comprehension, for students of the tenth grade of basic education from Adolfo H Simmonds School, zone 8, third district, province of Guayas, city Guayaquil, academic year 2015 2016. / Booklet with interactive songs for developing listening skills
Title:The incidence of essential vocabulary in the development of speaking on 8th grade students At Vergeles School during the year 2017 - 2018 / Design of an essential vocabulary guide with the use of conversation exercises for students of the 8th grade of elementary education from Vergeles School
Title:Relation between Career Adaptability and Academic Experiences in Higher Education / Relación entre Adaptabilidad de Carrera y Vivencias Académicas en Educación