Title:Populations of Characidium rachovii (Crenuchidae: Characidiinae) with reduction of the adipose fin from Argentina and a Southernmost record of C. occidentale
Title:The role of Phyllocaulis variegatus (Mollusca: Veronicellidae) in the transmission of digenean parasites / El papel de Phyllocaulis variegatus (Mollusca: Veronicellidae) en la transmisión de parásitos digéneos
Title:New host, geographic records, and histopathologic studies of Angiostrongylus spp (Nematoda: Angiostrongylidae) in rodents from Argentina with updated summary of records from rodent hosts and host specificity assessment
Title:A cross-sectional study of intestinal parasitoses in dogs and children of the periurban area of La Plata (Buenos Aires, Argentina): zoonotic importance and implications in public health
Title:A new species of Larsia Fittkau, 1962 (Diptera: Chironomidae: Tanypodinae) from phytotelmata of Aechmea distichantha Lemaire, 1853 (Bromeliaceae) in Argentina