Title:Las piedras sobre el borde del círculo : Disquisiciones sobre La cámara lúcida de Roland Barthes y sus posibles vínculos con Fotos tuyas de Inés Ulanovsky / The stones on the perimeter of the circle, Disquisitions on Roland Barthes’ Camera lucida and its possible connections with Inés Ulanovsky’s Fotos tuyas
Title:Ciudad, memoria, patrimonio: el caso de la preservación patrimonial en La Plata / Cidade, memória, patrimônio: O caso da preservação patrimonial em La Plata / City, memory, heritage: The case of heritage preservation in La Plata
Title:Mediaciones entre jóvenes y pasado reciente : Un análisis a partir de sus producciones escritas en dos escuelas de La Plata, Argentina / Mediations between young people and recent past. A study based on their compositions in two schools from La Plata, Argentina
Title:The Use of the Past During the Last Military Dictatorship and Post-Dictatorship : The Holocaust as the Horizon of Identification, Alienation and Negotiation for the Jewish community