Title:Lo ultramoderno y lo perverso arcaico: persistencia de abusos y maltratos en las
organizaciones familiares / O ultramoderno e o arcaico perverso. Persistência do abuso e maus-tratos em organizações familiares / The ultramodern and the archaic perverse. Persistence of abuse and mistreatment in family organizations
Title:Vida familiar y música en elespacio social urbano : Programas narrativos e Ingeniería en Comunicación Social / Family life and music in the urban social space :: Narrative programs and Engineering in Social Communication
Title:Violencia homo-lesbo-transfóbica a nivel familiar y COVID-19 en Uruguay : Cuando quienes deben proteger vulneran / Family homo-lesbian-transphobic violence and COVID-19 in Uruguay: when those who should protect do not
Title:La sociedad porteña y sus conformaciones familiares : Fines del siglo XVIII y principios del XIX / The Buenos Aires society and its family conformations. End of the 18th century and early 19th
Title:Estrategias matrimoniales y poder territorial en Santiago del Estero, 1695-1756: la Casa López de Velasco Sánchez Zambrano / Marriage strategies and territorial power in Santiago del Estero, 1695-1756. The family López de Velasco Sánchez Zambrano