Title:Rare diseases : information hierarchy and the reader's participation in general and specialised media / Àngels Álvarez y María Teresa Mercado. / Communications strategies and challenges for rare diseases : medical research as a referent : a quantitative-discursive study of Spanish printed and digital written press (2009-2010)
Title:New information on the skull of Coloradisaurus brevis Bonaparte (Dinosauria, Sauropodomorpha) from the upper Los Colorados Formation (Late Triassic), northwestern Argentina
Title:La accesibilidad y uso de las nuevas tecnologías de la información y la comunicación en las escuelas de educación secundaria superior: el "territorio escolar" de la ciudad de Tandil / Accesibility and use of new communication and information technologies at higher secondary schools: the "school territory" of the city of Tandil
Title:Unión europea, Convenio de Schegen, circuación de personas, red de información./ European Union, Schengen Agreement, people’s circulation, information net.
Title:Mejora al proceso "Servicio de atención al ciudadano y al operador" en el Ministerio de Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones / Improvement to the “customer and operator support” process in the ministerial office of Information and Comunications Technology
Title:Robust pathological voice detection based on component information from HMM / Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
Title:New information on the braincase of Sinraptor dongi Currie and Zhao (Theropoda, Allosauroidea): ethmoidal region, endocranial anatomy and pneumaticity
Title:La investigación en tics y turismo: a 20 años del nacimiento de Internet : En: “Progress in information technology and tourism management: 20 years on and 10 years after the Internet. The state of eTourism research”; Revista Tourism Management; Vol. 29; Nº4. Editorial El Sevier
Title:Desarrollo de sistemas y servicios de información sobre redes overlay peer-to-peer / Development of information systems and services over peer-to-peer overlay networks