Title:Bollywood in Portugal: watching and dancing practices in the construction of alternative cultural identities / Bollywood em portugal: a construção de identidades culturais alternativas entre audiências e praticantes de dança
Title:Publicidade digital e adblocking em Portugal – apropriar ou não apropriar, eis a questão / Digital ads and the adblocking in Portugal - to appropriate or not to appropriate, that is the question
Title:Adaptação e validação da Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES) aplicada a assistentes sociais em Portugal / Adaptation and Validation of the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES) applied to Social Workers in Portugal
Title:O Facebook faz bem à saúde? O caso “MAIS PARTICIPAÇÃO melhor saúde” em Portugal / Is Facebook good for the health of the overall population? The “MORE PARTICIPATION THE BETTER THE HEALTH” case in Portugal
Title:Le Manuel des Inquisiteurs, A l'usage des Inquisitions d'Espagne & de Portugal. Ou Abrege' de l'Ouvrage intitulé: Directorium Inquisitorum, Composé vers 1358 par Nicolas Eymeric, Grand Inquisiteur dans le Royaume d'Arragon. On y a joint une courte Histoire de l'etablissement de l'Inquisition dans le Royaume de Portugal, tirée du Latin de Louis à Paramo. / [Traduit par André Morellet].
Title:Tres décadas después… evolución de las políticas de incorporación de inmigrantes en Portugal: una nueva lectura / Three decades later… Evolution of immigrant incorporation policies in Portugal: a new reading
Title:Crisis y trabajo: un análisis de las políticas laborales de emergencia en Portugal, España y Grecia / Crisis and work: an analysis of emergency labour market policies in Portugal, Spain and Greece
Title:As epidemias nas notícias em Portugal: cólera, peste, tifo, gripe e varíola, 1854-1918 / Epidemics in the news in Portugal: Cholera, plague, typhus, influenza and smallpox, 1854-1918
Title:Conciencia histórica: pasado y presente en la perspectiva de los jóvenes en Portugal / Historical consciousness: past and present in the perspective of young people in portugal
Title:John Allen, la otra mirada de Holland House. apuntaciones sobre Journal of a tour of Spain and Portugal, 30 de octubre 1808 – 13 de enero de 1809 / John Allen, the other view from Holland House. notes on Journal of a tour of Spain and Portugal