Title:Characterization of structural and immunological properties of a fusion protein between flagellin from Salmonella and lumazine synthase from Brucella
Title:The use of alternative polyadenylation sites renders integrin β1 (Itgb1) mRNA isoforms with differential stability during mammary gland development
Title:Pertussis seroprevalence in adults, post-partum women and umbilical cord blood / Estudio de seroprevalencia de coqueluche en adultos jóvenes, mujeres en puerperio inmediato y sangre del cordón umbilical
Title:Evaluación fitoquímica preliminar de cuatro especies endémicas cubanas de Zanthoxylum (Rutaceae) / Preliminary phytochemical screening of four Cuban endemic species of Zanthoxylum (Rutaceae)