Title:Effects of the fungus Pestalotiopsis maculans (Ascomycota: Amphisphaeriales) on the gametophytic development of the fern Lygodium venustum (Lygodiaceae)
Title:Votamos a Macri: un análisis político del discurso de los intelectuales que apoyan a Cambiemos / We voted in favour of Macri: a political analysis of the discourse pronounced by the intellectuals supporting Cambiemos alliance
Title:Argentina y la gobernanza nuclear internacional : La elección del director general del Organismo Internacional de Energía Atómica (OIEA) / Argentina and international nuclear governance. The appointment of the director general of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Title:Los museos y gabinetes de ciencias en los colegios nacionales de la Argentina (1870-1880) / Museums and Sciences Cabinets in Argentina’s National Secondary Schools (1870- 1880)