Title:Cien años de la reforma: claves para analizar la actualidad de la universidad argentina / One hundred years of university reform: keys to analyse the present of the argentinian university
Title:Os quatro pilares educacionais no processo de ensino e aprendizagem de matemática / The Four Educational Pillars in the Teaching and Learning Process of Mathematics
Title:Red Argentina de Ciencia y Tecnología Forestal -REDFOR.ar- : Un medio de articular y fortalecer las capacidades científico-técnicas para el desarrollo forestal / Argentine Network of Forest Science and Technology -REDFOR.ar- A means of articulating and strengthening scientific - technical capacities for sustainable forest development
Title:Los cuerpos que no de la historia del arte : O cuando aprendemos solo el relato cisheteronormado / The Bodies Which Do Not in the History of Art. Or When We Learn Only the Cisgender-Regulated Story
Title:“Aula compartida”: El Muro de Klaus Kordon, desde la experiencia literaria hacia los aportes lingüísticos y semánticos de la historia y de la geografía / “Shared classroom”: Die Flaschenpost by Klaus Kordon, from literary experience to linguistic and semantic contributions of History and Geography
Title:La niñez encarcelada: lineamientos en cuanto a una posible reforma al Régimen Penal Juvenil : La baja de edad de inimputabilidad detrás de una supuesta reforma progresista / The imprisoned childhood. Guidelines for a Juvenile Criminal Regime potential reformation. The reduction of the legal age of criminal responsibility behind a so-called progressist reformation / Crianças encarceradas: Diretrizes sobre uma possível reforma do Regime Criminal Juvenil. A baixa idade de intolerância por trás de uma suposta reforma progressiva