Title:Circuitos cortos de comercialización agroalimentaria: un acercamiento desde la agricultura familiar diversificada en Argentina / Short supply circuits: An approach from diversified family farming in Argentina
Title:Sociabilidades, redes y circulación de saberes en la conformación de un “ámbito psi” en la Argentina de entreguerras (Santa Fe, 1919-1943) / Sociabilities, networks and the circulation of knowledges in the creation of a “psy scope” in Argentina during the inter-war period (Santa Fe, 1919-1943)
Title:The role of Phyllocaulis variegatus (Mollusca: Veronicellidae) in the transmission of digenean parasites / El papel de Phyllocaulis variegatus (Mollusca: Veronicellidae) en la transmisión de parásitos digéneos
Title:New host, geographic records, and histopathologic studies of Angiostrongylus spp (Nematoda: Angiostrongylidae) in rodents from Argentina with updated summary of records from rodent hosts and host specificity assessment
Title:Análisis de la diversidad de peces en ambientes asociados al río Paraná en el área de la represa de Yacyretá / Analysis of fish diversity in environments associated to the Parana River in the area of the Yacyretá dam
Title:Dime quién lo define y te diré si es violento : Reflexiones sobre la violencia obstétrica / Diga-me por quem é definido e vou dizer se é violento: uma reflexão sobre a violência obstétrica / Tell me by whom is defined and I’ll tell if it is violent: a reflection on obstetric violence