Title:QSPR calculation of normal boiling points of organic molecules based on the use of correlation weighting of atomic orbitals with extended connectivity of zero- and first-order graphs of atomic orbitals
Title:Plantas medicinales y fitoterapia: ¿indicadores de dependencia o factores de desarrollo? / Medicinal plants and phytotherapy: dependence indicators or development issues?
Title:Toxicidade aguda e alterações comportamentais induzidas pela fração de alcalóides totais das vagens de Prosopis juliflora (Sw) D.C. (Leguminoseae) em roedores / Acute toxicity and behavioral changes induced by total alkaloids fraction of the pods of Prosopis juliflora (Sw) D.C. (Leguminoseae) in rodents
Title:Método potenciométrico para la cuantificación de carbonatos en tabletas de Calcidol® : Estudio de estabilidad / Potentiometric method for the quantification of carbonates in Calcidol® tablets. Stability Study