Title:La Fisiología del Ejercicio como una especialización dentro del campo de la Educación Física: un análisis desde el propio contexto institucional / Exercise Physiology as a specialization within the field of Physical Education: an analysis from the own institutional context
Title:Educación de personas con diabetes tipo 2: ¿es costo-efectiva su implementación a través de pares con diabetes? / Education of people with type 2 diabetes through peers with diabetes: is it cost effective?
Title:A cultura escolar da educação física no EJA: o paradoxo entre a ruptura com a noção de atividade e a falta da prática corporal / The physical school education´s culture in EJA: between breaking with the notion of activity and the lack of corporal practices
Title:Comportamiento ético en la gestión administrativa en la educación superior costarricense / Ethical behavior in the management of higher education in Costa Rica
Title:Projects developed by older adults within the educational field : Analysis of a Program of Permanent Education of University Extension of the UNLP