Title:Las mujeres de los Partidos Comunistas de Argentina y Chile entre los '30 y '60 / The Women of the Communist Parties of Argentina and Chile between the '30s and '60s
Title:Come viene organizzata la produzione e come vengono prese le decisioni nelle fabbriche autogestite dai lavoratori? : Alcune considerazioni sulla base del caso Argentino
Title:Bayreuth en Buenos Aires: los wagnerianos y el Teatro de Ópera (Argentina, 1896-1914) / Bayreuth in Buenos Aires: the wagnerians and the Opera House (Argentina, 1896-1914)
Title:“Ni cementerios ni tristezas”. los socialistas argentinos frente a los espectáculos teatrales en la década de 1920 / “Neither graveyards or sorrows”. Argentinean Socialists in regard to theatre show business in the nineteen twenties