Title:Influence of intensive reading in the development of reading skills. / Design of an educational booklet with stories and activities to improve the comprehension of text in the english language.
Title:Implementación de una estrategia de capacitación en competencias TIC dirigida a los docentes del Área de Humanidades de la sede Central de la Institución Educativa Técnico Industrial “Julio Flórez” de Chiquinquirá, Boyacá
Title:Disminución de los vicios del lenguaje (vulgarismos y pobreza léxica) para mejorar la expresión oral a través de los medios audiovisuales en los estudiantes grado décimo de la jornada nocturna del Colegio Nueva Constitución.
Title:Incidence of flashcards in the reading skill as teaching aids / Didactic guide to use the flashcards and maximize the reading in the study of english language
Title:Innovate vocabulary learning strategies to develop the writing skill / Design a didactic guide with meaningful vocabulary to develop the writing skill
Title:The influence of basic reading strategies to improve reading comprehension for english learners / Design a virtual storybook with traditional stories for developing reading comprehension in students of 8th course at Canal de Jambeli Public High School
Title:The incidence of short stories for the development of the reading comprehension / Design of a booklet with short stories to develop the reading comprehension