Title:Aportes a la colección de hongos liquenizados del herbario del Instituto de Botánica Carlos Spegazzini (LPS) / Contributions to the collection of liquenized fungi from the herbarium of the Institute of Botany Carlos Spegazzini (LPS)
Title:Explotación de recursos vegetales silvestres y domesticados en Neuquén: implicancias del hallazgo de restos de maíz y algarrobo en artefactos de molienda del Holoceno tardío / Exploitation of wild and domesticated resources in Neuquén: Implications of the recovery of corn and algarrobo remains in late holocene grinding artefacts
Title:Ethnobotanical, micrographic and pharmacological features of plant-based weight-loss products sold in naturist stores in Mexico City: the need for better quality control