Title:El debate sobre la ley 27.275 y la exigencia del acceso a la información en Argentina / The debate about the Law 27.275 and the demand for access to information in Argentina / O debate sobre a Lei 27.275 e a exigência de acesso à informação na Argentina
Title:Primera cita de Parthenocissus tricuspidata y nuevo registro de P. quinquefolia (Vitaceae) adventicias en la Argentina / First reference of Parthenocissus tricuspidata and new record of P. quinquefolia (Vitaceae) adventitious in Argentina
Title:Aportes para el trabajo en el aula: un enfoque para determinar la forma de vida de los moluscos bivalvos a partir de la morfología de sus valvas / Contributions to classroom tasks: an approach to determine the way of life of bivalve mollusks from the morphology of their valves
Title:Electronic Properties and Dissociative Photoionization of Thiocyanates : Part II. Valence and Shallow-Core (Sulfur and Chlorine 2p) Regions of Chloromethyl Thiocyanate, CH2ClSCN
Title:La educación media en Argentina durante la última dictadura militar (1976-1983) : Currículum, educación para el trabajo, disciplina y evaluación / The high school education in Argentina during the military dictatorship (1976-1983). Curriculum, education for work, discipline and evaluation