Title:Hyphessobrycon togoi, a new species from the La Plata basin (Teleostei: Characidae) and comments about the distribution of the genus in Argentina
Title:The Preservation of the Solar Potential in Cities of Hispanic Trace : Analysis of the Current Situation, and Future Potential in Urban Areas of Argentina
Title:The first rodent from the Mariño Formation (Miocene) at Divisadero Largo (Mendoza, Argentina) and its biochronological implications / El primer roedor de la Formación Mariño (Mioceno) en Divisadero Largo (Mendoza, Argentina) y sus implicancias biocronológicas
Title:The distributive effects of education: an unconditional quantile regression approach / Efectos distributivos de la educación: un enfoque de regresiones por cuantiles no condicionados
Title:A new species of Notogynaphallia (Platyhelminthes, Geoplanidae) extends the known distribution of land planarians in Chacoan province (Chacoan subregion), South America