Title:Los Glyptodontinae (Xenarthra, Glyptodontidae) del Piso/Edad Chapadmalalense (Plioceno tardío): revisión y aportes a su conocimiento / The Glyptodontinae (Xenarthra, Glyptodontidae) of the Chapadmalalan stage/age (late Pliocene): review and contributions to knowledge
Title:Biogeographical and ecological comments on "A new Neotropical species of the genus Parochlus Enderlein, 1912 (Chironomidae: Podonominae) and new distribution in Argentina" by Rodríguez et al. 2009 / Comentarios biogeográficos y ecológicos sobre “A new Neotropical species of the genus Parochlus Enderlein, 1912 (Chironomidae: Podonominae) and new distribution in Argentina” por Rodríguez et al. 2009