Title:Description of two new species of Plesiopelma (Araneae, Theraphosidae, Theraphosinae) from Argentina / Descripción de dos nuevas especies de Plesiopelma (Araneae, Theraphosidae, Theraphosinae) de Argentina
Title:Puntas de arpón en la costa norte de Santa Cruz: Primeros estudios de piezas recuperadas en estratigrafía en el sitio Cueva del Negro / Harpoon heads on the North coast of Santa Cruz: Initial studies and analysis of pieces recovered in stratigraphy at site Cueva del Negro
Title:In vivo inhibition of cysteine proteases provides evidence for the involvement of 'senescence-associated vacuoles' in chloroplast protein degradation during dark-induced senescence of tobacco leaves
Title:The diet of the black widow spider Latrodectus mirabilis (Theridiidae) in two cereal crops of central Argentina / Dieta de la viuda negra, Latrodectus mirabilis (Theridiidae) en dos cultivos de cereales del centro de Argentina
Title:¿Dónde pintar? Un análisis comparativo mediante SIG como aproximación a las decisiones humanas / Where to paint? A comparative GIS analisys as an aproach to human decision making