Title:Last interglacial sea-level highstand deduced from notches and inner margins of marine terraces at Puerto Deseado, Santa Cruz Province, Argentina / Niveles altos del mar durante el Último Máximo Interglacial deducidos mediante muescas de abrasión y márgenes internos de terrazas marinas en Puerto Deseado, Provincia de Santa Cruz, Argentina
Title:A new species of Liolaemus of the bibroni group from granitic ravines of Achiras, Sierra de Comechingones, Córdoba, Argentina (Reptilia: Tropiduridae)
Title:Paleoecology and paleoenvironments of Podocarp trees in the Ameghino Petrified forest (Golfo San Jorge Basin, Patagonia, Argentina) : Constraints for early Paleogene paleoclimate
Title:On the presence of Pyramiodontherium (Mammalia, Xenarthra, Megatheriidae) in the late Miocene of northeastern Argentina and its biogeographical implications
Title:Type material of Carlos L. Spegazzini in the Museo de La Plata Herbarium (LP), Argentina. III. Cactaceae / Material Tipo de Carlos L. Spegazzini en el Herbario del Museo de La Plata (LP), Argentina. III. Cactaceae
Title:Odonata from Iberá Wetlands (Corrientes, Argentina): preliminary inventory and biodiversity / Odonata de los Esteros del Iberá (Corrientes, Argentina): inventario preliminar y biodiversidad