Title:A computer simulation approach to reduce appointment lead-time in outpatient perinatology departments: a case study in a maternal-child hospital / Un enfoque de simulación por computadora para reducir el tiempo de cita en los departamentos de perinatología ambulatoria: un estudio de caso en un hospital materno-infantil
Title:Determination of the Voltage Stability Index in DC Networks with CPLs: A GAMS Implementation / Communications in Computer and Information Science
Title:Vortex Search Algorithm for Optimal Sizing of Distributed Generators in AC Distribution Networks with Radial Topology / Communications in Computer and Information Science
Title:Sine-Cosine Algorithm for OPF Analysis in Distribution Systems to Size Distributed Generators / Communications in Computer and Information Science
Title:Performance Evaluation of SoC-FPGA Based Floating-Point Implementation of GMM for Real-Time Background Subtraction / Communications in Computer and Information Science
Title:Hybrid Metaheuristic Optimization Methods for Optimal Location and Sizing DGs in DC Networks / Communications in Computer and Information Science
Title:Machine learning methods for classifying mammographic regions using the wavelet transform and radiomic texture features / Communications in Computer and Information Science
Title:Validation of Parametric Models in Microelectrode Recordings Acquired from Patients with Parkinson’s Disease / Communications in Computer and Information Science