Title:Plantas medicinales y para condimento usadas en el sudeste del Partido de Berisso (Buenos Aires, Argentina) / Medicinal and condiment plants used in the Southeastern Berisso (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Title:Condiciones de vida, conflicto y conciencia de clase en los horticultores del Gran La Plata, 1940-2003 / Living conditions, conflict and class consciousness of horticulturists from Gran La Plata, 1940-2003
Title:¿De qué deporte hablamos cuando se busca la inclusión social y educativa? : Un análisis de sus significados en un programa de política socioeducativa en Argentina, 2004-2011 / Of Which Sport are we talking when we look for the educative and social inclusion? An analysis of their meanings in a socioeducative political program in Argentina 2004-2011
Title:What factors affect the visibility of Argentinean publications in humanities and social sciences in Scopus? : Some evidence beyond the geographic realm of research
Title:OJS Implementation and development of the Scientific Journals Site of the School of Humanities and Education Sciences at the Universidad Nacional de La Plata
Title:Iglesia y educación en la Argentina durante la segunda mitad del siglo XX / Church and education in Argentina during the second half of the 20th century