Title:The Use of the Past During the Last Military Dictatorship and Post-Dictatorship : The Holocaust as the Horizon of Identification, Alienation and Negotiation for the Jewish community
Title:El ministerio de Bienestar Social durante la gestión de Francisco Manrique: la función de la política social en los últimos años de la “Revolución Argentina” (1970-1973) / The ministry of Social Welfare during Francisco Manrique’s administration: the role of social policy in the last years of the Revolución Argentina (1970-1973)
Title:Construir el cuerpo: Cuatro consideraciones epistemo-metodológicas y tres metáforas para pensar el objeto de estudio "cuerpo" / Constructing the body: four epistemo-methodological considerations and three metaphors to think the object “body” / Construir o corpo: quatro consideraçoes epistemo-metodológicas e três metáforas para pensar o objeto de estudo "corpo"