Title:Late Cenozoic vertebrates from the southern Pampean Region: systematic and bio-chronostratigraphic update / Vertebrados del Cenozoico Tardío del sudoeste de la Región Pampeana: actualización sistemática y bio-cronoestratigráfica
Title:Una asociación de vertebrados de la Formación Las Curtiembres (Cretácico superior) del Noroeste de la Argentina / A vertebrate assemblage of Las Curtiembres Formation (Upper Cretaceous) of northwestern Argentina
Title:An enigmatic and large-sized specimen of Panochthus (Glyptodontidae, "Panochthini") from the Ensenadan (Early-Middle Pleistocene) of the Pampean region, Argentina / Un enigmático gran ejemplar de Panochthus (Glyptodontidae, “Panochthini”) del Ensenadense (Pleistoceno Temprano-Medio) de la región pampeana de Argentina
Title:Late Mesozoic marine Antarctic fishes: future perspectives based on the newly collections recovered in the Ameghino and Lopez de Bertodano Formations
Title:The largest known bear, Arctotherium angustidens, from the early Pleistocene pampeam region of Argentina: with a discussion of size and diet trends in bears
Title:Chaetophractus vellerosus (Mammalia: Dasypodidae) in the Ensenadan (Early - Middle Pleistocene) of the southeastern Pampean region (Argentina) : Paleozoogeographical and paleoclimatic aspects