Title:Pyroclastic material from Puyehue Cordon Caulle Volcanic Complex (Chile) as carrier of Beauveria bassiana conidia: potential utilization in mycoinsecticide formulations
Title:Alteraciones tegumentales en ejemplares adultos de Schistosoma mansoni tratados con derivados imidazólicos / Tegumental alterations in adult Schistosoma mansoni treated with Imidazolidine derivatives
Title:The kinetics and mechanism of the nickel electrode—III. The potentiodynamic response of nickel electrodes in alkaline solutions in the potential region of Ni(OH)2 formation
Title:45S5 Bioglass® concentrations modulate the release of vancomycin hydrochloride from gelatin-starch films: evaluation of antibacterial and cytotoxic effects
Title:Evaluation of pH-sensitive poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate-co-2 (diisopropylamino)ethyl methacrylate) copolymers as drug delivery systems for potential applications in ophthalmic therapies/ocular delivery of drugs