Title:Conciencia histórica: pasado y presente en la perspectiva de los jóvenes en Portugal / Historical consciousness: past and present in the perspective of young people in portugal
Title:La Acción Exterior del Estatuto de Andalucía: Aciertos, Desajustes, Especificidades ocultar, Desarrollos en Tiempos de Crisis. / The External Action of the Statute of Andalusia: Correct, Misalignments, Hidden Specificities, Developments in Times of Crisis.
Title:John Allen, la otra mirada de Holland House. apuntaciones sobre Journal of a tour of Spain and Portugal, 30 de octubre 1808 – 13 de enero de 1809 / John Allen, the other view from Holland House. notes on Journal of a tour of Spain and Portugal
Title:A divulgação do capital intelectual em Portugal na primeira década do século XXI / Disclosure of intellectual capital in Portugal in the first decade of the twenty-first century