Title:El video tutorial como herramienta de educación no formal en estudiantes de Bogotá, Colombia / The video tutorial as a non-formal education tool for students in Bogotá, Colombia
Title:A CONFLICTIVE STUDENT FOR MANY PEOPLE, IS ACTUALLY A CHARACTER WITH MUCH TO GIVE / Un estudiante conflictivo para muchos, es en realidad un personaje con mucho que dar
Title:Types of mathematical thinking implemented in the learn process of functional programming / Aprovechamiento de los tipos de pensamiento matemático en el aprendizaje de la programación funcional
Title:A presença do lúdico no ensino dos modelos atômicos e sua contribuição no processo de ensino aprendizagem / The presence of ludic on teaching process of atomic models and its contribution on teaching-learning process
Title:Asociación entre las teorías implícitas sobre la enseñanza, el aprendizaje y la acción de problematizar / Association between the implicit theories on teaching and learning, and the act of problematizing