Title:Proprioception as a preventive method in lower limb sport injuries : from theory to practice / tesis doctoral presentada por D. Alberto Sánchez Sierra ; dirigida por [la] Dra. Eva Segura Ortí, [la] Dra. Sara Vila Maldonado [y el] Dr. Nigel Gleeson.
Title:Tecnologías de información y comunicación, y profesionalización empresarial en hipermercados y supermercados familiares en Venezuela / Information and communications technologies and business professionalism in family hypermarkets and supermarkets in Venezuela
Title:Rare diseases : information hierarchy and the reader's participation in general and specialised media / Àngels Álvarez y María Teresa Mercado. / Communications strategies and challenges for rare diseases : medical research as a referent : a quantitative-discursive study of Spanish printed and digital written press (2009-2010)
Title:Información política y exposición incidental en las redes sociales: un análisis de Argentina, Chile, España y México / J. Serrano-Puche, C. B. Fernández, J. Rodríguez-Virgili. / Political information and incidental exposure in social media: the cases of Argentina, Chile, Spain and Mexico
Title:Una tipología de espectadores teatrales en función de la influencia de diversos prescriptores y el uso de canales de información / A typology of theatre audiences based on the impact of various sources of influence and the use of information channels